

Japan Medical Library Association


The mission of Japan Medical Library Association (The JMLA) is to contribute to the progress of health, medicine and related areas by promoting health sciences library activities and encouraging research and development of medical and health information so that patrons can access and build advanced medical knowledge.


The JMLA, which was originally established as the National Medical College Library Association in 1927, actively brings together a variety of health sciences libraries affiliated with national, prefectural, municipal and private institutions. After the introduction of individual members, the association was reformed as an incorporated non-profit organization in 2003.


Activities and Projects

The Association engages in non-profit activities for the following purposes:

  1. To enhance health, health care and welfare.
  2. To promote social education.
  3. To develop information society.
  4. To collaborate with, advise and support related organizations.
The Association also engages in the following project work:
  1. Promoting research and development for health sciences libraries.
  2. Issuing an official journal and other publications.
  3. Conducting public relations work via its website.
  4. Obtaining, providing and sharing information on health sciences
    libraries and their collections.
  5. Educating and certifying information professionals for health sciences
  6. Providing exchange, cooperation and collaboration services with related
    international and domestic organizations.
  7. Engaging in other related projects.

FY2020-2023 Japan Medical Library Association Core Project Objectives

pdf file(PDF)


Standing Committees
Ad Hoc Committees

Membership Categories


Japanese version is here

Volume 71

Issue4, Pages 193-233 (Dec 2024)

Issue3, Pages 155-191 (Sep 2024)

Issue2, Pages 75-153 (Jun 2024)

Issue1, Pages 1-73 (Mar 2024)

Volume 70

Issue4, Pages 195-246 (Dec 2023)

Issue3, Pages 139-192 (Sep 2023)

Issue2, Pages 61-137 (Jul 2023)

Issue1, Pages 1-59 (Mar 2023)

Volume 69

Issue4, Pages 207-263 (Dec 2022)

Issue3, Pages 139-206 (Sep 2022)

Issue2, Pages 69-136 (Jun 2022)

Issue1, Pages 1-62 (Mar 2022)

Volume 68

Issue4, Pages 239-302 (Dec 2021)

Issue3, Pages 155-236 (Oct 2021)

Issue2, Pages 91-151 (Jun 2021)

Issue1, Pages 1-87 (Mar 2021)

Volume 67

Issue4, Pages 229-298 (Dec 2020)

Issue3, Pages 145-227 (Sep 2020)

Issue2, Pages 65-142 (Jun 2020)

Issue1, Pages 1-59 (Mar 2020)

Volume 66

Issue4, Pages 239-302 (Dec 2019)

Issue3, Pages 145-236 (Sep 2019)

Issue2, Pages 71-143 (Jun 2019)

Issue1, Pages 1-67 (Mar 2019)

Volume 65

Issue4, Pages 201-259 (Dec 2018)

Issue3, Pages 139-200 (Sep 2018)

Issue2, Pages 83-137 (Jun 2018)

Issue1, Pages 1-76 (Mar 2018)

Volume 64

Issue 4, Pages 193-254 (Dec 2017)

Issue 3, Pages 115-191 (Sep 2017)

Issue 2, Pages 65-114 (Jun 2017)

Issue 1, Pages 1-63 (Mar 2017)

Volume 63

Issue 4, Pages 293-340 (Dec 2016)

Issue 3, Pages 215-291 (Sep 2016) Zoning

Issue 2, Pages 111-214 (Jun 2016) The 21st JMLA Medical Librarians Research Seminar and Continuing Education Course

Issue 1, Pages 1-109 (Mar 2016) History of Medical Documents for Medical Librarians / The 22nd JMLA Introductory Workshop for Medical Librarians

Volume 62

Issue 4, Pages 231-287 (Dec 2015)

Issue 3, Pages 185-229 (Sep 2015)

Issue 2, Pages 91-183 (Jun 2015) The 21st JMLA Medical Librarians Research Seminar and Continuing Education Course

Issue 1, Pages 1-89 (Mar 2015) Library Book Inventory / The 21st JMLA Introductory Workshop for Medical Librarians

Volume 61

Issue 4, Pages 269-320 (Dec 2014)

Issue 3, Pages 209-26 (Sep 2014)

Issue 2, Pages 127-208 (Jun 2014) Dedicated to the Mourning of Prof. Yoshinari Tsuda, 1922-2012

Issue 1, Pages 1-126 (Mar 2014) Igaku-Chuo-Zasshi: The 110th Anniversary of its First Publication / The 20th JMLA Introductory Workshop for Medical Librarians

Volume 60

Issue 4, Pages 381-507 (Dec 2013) Multicultural Library Services
Issue 3, Pages 227-380 (Sep 2013) The 19th JMLA Medical Librarians Research Seminar and Continuing Education Course
Issue 2, Pages 109-226 (Jun 2013) Dedicated to the Mourning of Prof. Yoshinari Tsuda, 1922-2012
Issue 1, Pages 1-107 (Mar 2013) Libraries and Intellectual Property Management

Volume 59

Issue 4, Pages 273-344 (Dec 2012) Collection Development: Collection and Disposal
Issue 3, Pages 165-272 (Sep 2012) Network Infrastructure
Issue 2, Pages 83-163 (Jun 2012) The 18th JMLA Medical Librarians Research Seminar and Continuing Education Course
Issue 1, Pages 1-82 (Mar 2012) The Future of Online Resources / 18th JMLA Introductory Workshop for Medical Librarians

Volume 58

Issue 4, Pages 273-340 (Dec 2011)
Issue 3, Pages 173-271 (Sep 2011) The Great East Japan Earthquake: The Disaster and Libraries
Issue 2, Pages 89-172 (Jun 2011) The 17th JMLA Medical Librarians Research Seminar and Continuing Education Course
Issue 1, Pages 1-87 (Apr 2011) Career Path for Medical Librarians / 17th JMLA Introductory Workshop for Medical Librarians

Volume 57

Issue 4, Pages 349-434 (Dec 2010) Construction and Reconstruction of Library Buildings
Issue 3, Pages 233-348 (Sep 2010) Sickness and Picture Books
Issue 2, Pages 115-232 (Jun 2010) The 16th JMLA Medical Librarians Research Seminar and Continuing Education Course
Issue 1, Pages 1-114 (Mar 2010) The Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association 2009, Honolulu / The 16th JMLA Introductory Workshop for Medical Librarians

Volume 56

Issue 4, Pages 275-361 (Dec 2009) Clinical Practice Guidelines
Issue 3, Pages 189-273 (Sep 2009) A Digital Partner for Medical Librarians
Issue 2, Pages 107-188 (Jun 2009) The 15th JMLA Medical Librarians Research Seminar and Continuing Education Course
Issue 1, Pages 1-105 (Mar 2009) Medical Libraries of the Future

Volume 55

Issue 4, Pages 295-391 (Dec 2008) The 79th Annual Meeting of The Japan Medical Library Association / The 15th JMLA Introductory Workshop for Medical Librarians
Issue 3, Pages 195-293 (Sep 2008) Non-visiting Service
Issue 2, Pages 95-194 (Jun 2008) Open 24 Hours
Issue 1, Pages 1- 94 (Mar 2008)

Volume 54

Issue 4, Pages 317-412 (Dec 2007) The 78th Annual Meeting of The Japan Medical Library association / The 14th JMLA Introductory Workshop for Medical Librarians Association
Issue 3, Pages 207-316 (Sep 2007) Reference Management
Issue 2, Pages 107-206 (Jun 2007) The 13th Continuing Education Course and Workshop for Medical Librarians
Issue 1, Pages 1-100 (Mar 2007) Tutorial

Volume 53

Issue 4, Pages 341-455 (Dec 2006) eBook
Issue 3, Pages 217-339 (Sep 2006) Library Partnership / The 77th Annual Meeting of NPO The Japan Medical Library Association
Issue 2, Pages 113-215 (Jun 2006)
Issue 1, Pages 1-112 (Mar 2006) Hospital Accreditation Program

Volume 52

Issue 4, Pages 309-410 (Dec 2005) Guide to study groups and continuing education courses
Issue 3, Pages 201-303 (Sep 2005) Library System
Issue 2, Pages 115-196 (Jun 2005)
Issue 1, Pages 1-113 (Mar 2005) Information Literacy Services

Volume 51

Issue 4, Pages 301-398 (Dec 2004) Health Information Services
Issue 3, Pages 189-296 (Sep 2004) Database
Issue 2, Pages 97-188 (Jun 2004)
Issue 1, Pages 1-94 (Mar 2004) Fifty Years of ” Igaku Toshokan”

Volume 50

Issue 4, Pages 309-404 (Dec 2003) Copyright
Issue 3, Pages 199-307 (Sep 2003) Electronic Journal
Issue 2, Pages 99-198 (Jun 2003)
Issue 1, Pages 1-97 (Mar 2003) Reference Tools of The Related Fields

Volume 49

Issue 4, Pages 295-408 (Dec 2002) Medical Information
Issue 3, Pages 201-294 (Sep 2002) How to Maintain a Library Collection?

International Cooperation Committee

Who we are

International Cooperation Committee

What we do

ICC was established in August 2012 to promote the international exchange activities of the JMLA and its members. We conduct planning and operations in international relations, including intercommunication, cooperation and joint projects with related organizations and associations in other countries.


Aug. 2012 ICC established
Oct. 2012 Two members dispatched to the Korean Medical Library Association Autumn Symposium (Busan)

Japan Medical Library Association(JMLA) Award


The JMLA Award for Best Achievement and JMLA Best Paper Award are based on the recommendations from members and the Awards Committee. Board of Directors discuss the selection results, and the President makes the final decision regarding the award. The winners will receive a certificate and an additional prize, and a special commemorative presentation will be made at the Annual Meeting.

About the JMLA Award for Best Achievement

The JMLA Award for Best Achievement is presented annually to one person for works or activities of outstanding achievements. Established in 1970, the award has a respected history of nearly 50 years.
List of Winners

About the JMLA Best Paper Award

The JMLA Best Paper Award is presented to one or two recipients each year for works or activities that are recognized as contributing to the future of the recipient and the development of the next generation of medical library professionals.
List of Winners


JMLA Head Office

Wada-Building 3F
1-10 Kanda-Jinbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0051

Tel. 03-5577-4509 / Fax. 03-5577-4510
E-mail: jmlajimu@ sirius.ocn.ne.jp

Open: 8:00-16:00 (Mon.-Fri.)