Letter to the Editor 189
Days in a paramedical vocational school library 190
From Member Libraries
Osaka Medical College Library
Toshiaki FUKUHIRO 194
News 196
Model Core Curriculum
Tatsuo SATO 200
Some suggestions for the cataloging and management of multimedia materials
Toshiyuki NARITA 203
Establishment of a credentials program in the Japan Medical Library Association : JMLA Health Sciences Information Professionals (JHIP)
Committee of Education and Research, NPO Japan Medical Library Association 210
Feature: Database
Development of an efficient MEDLINE search strategy : a review of overseas literature
Shinichi ABE 221
Web of Science
Noriko USHIZAWA 230
Availability of DialogWeb at the Nippon Medical School Library
Aya OHNO 234
MICROMEDEXR Healthcare Series
EBSCOhost Biomedical Reference Collection: a full-text database
Tadashi KODAMA 243
Use of MD Consult at Kansai Medical University
Noriko SAWA 248
E-Contents Management at Sapporo Medical University Library: experience with MetaLib/SFX
Minoru KONNO 254
Yusuke KAGAMI 261
Special Feature: In memory of the establishment of the NPO Japan Medical Library Association
Corporationizing and its activity of the Japan Medical Library Association
Masaaki TONOSAKI 266
Expectations for the JMLA
Hiroshi KIMURA 271
Sectional meeting on foreign journals
Yoshiko Ito 272
Sectional meeting on interlibrary loans and copyrights, including e-journals
Kitsuko SHIOMI 274
Sectional meeting on the availability of medical information for patients
Kenichi FUKUI 276
Sectional meeting on the integration of libraries and information centers
Yoshitomo MATSUBARA 278
Sectional meeting on the “National Medical Library”
Yasuko FUJISAWA 280
Privatization of universities around the world and the effect on national universities and their medical libraries
Masako KITAGAWA 282
Organization and Yearly Schedule of JMLA 284
Book Reviews 286
Journal Club 290
JMLA News 294
Editorial Desk 296